- Econometrics Tutorials, Time Series Models
- $7.99
- The aim of the ARIMA and SARIMA Models Tutorial Series is to make the theory and estimation of ARIMA/SARIMA models clear and accessible to everyone. The tutorials focus on the theoretical background and application of the ARIMA/SARIMA models using suitable examples and quizzes to make everything easy to understand. Follow this link for complete information on this Tutorial Series: ARIMA…
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- Econometrics Tutorials, Simultaneous Equation Models
Bundle: 2SLS and 3SLS
- $9.99
- This bundle includes access to all the lessons, quizzes and Course Certificates in the 2SLS Video Tutorial Series and the 3SLS Video Tutorial Series.
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- Econometrics Tutorials, Panel Data Models
Fixed and Random Effects Models
- $9.99
- The objective of this series of tutorials is to make the theory and application of Fixed Effects LSDV, Fixed Effects Within Model and Random Effects Model easier to understand. The tutorials discuss the important concepts related to Fixed and Random Effects models in detail using suitable examples and quizzes. For complete details on the learning objectives, go to the link…
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- Basics of Econometrics, Econometrics Tutorials
Heteroscedasticity, Multicollinearity and Autocorrelation: Basics
- $5.49
- The objective of this series of tutorials is to make the basic concepts related to Heteroscedasticity, Multicollinearity and Autocorrelation easier to understand. The tutorials discuss the theory and application of several concepts related to these topics. Purchase the Product for supplementary R codes and Quizzes to test your knowledge. Access the Free Tutorials here: Heteroscedasticity, Multicollinearity and Autocorrelation: Basics
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- Econometrics Tutorials, Qualitative Response
Logit and Probit Model
- $8.49
- The objective of this series of tutorials is to make the theory and application of Logit and Probit Models easier to understand. The tutorials discuss the important concepts related to Logit and Probit models in detail using suitable examples and quizzes. Follow this link for complete information on this Tutorial Series: Logit and Probit Models
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- Econometrics Tutorials, Time Series Models
VAR Model and Impulse Response Functions (IRFs)
- $8.49
- The objective of this series of tutorials is to make the theory and application of the VAR Model and Impulse Response Functions (IRFs) easier to understand. The tutorials discuss the important concepts related to VAR models and IRFs in detail using suitable examples and quizzes. For complete details on the learning objectives, go to the link here: VAR Model and…
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- Econometrics Tutorials, Time Series Models
VECM Video Tutorial Series
- $9.99
- The aim of the VECM Video Tutorial Series is to make the theory, estimation and interpretation of VECM models clear and accessible to everyone. The tutorials dive deep into the inner workings of VECM using suitable examples and quizzes to make everything easy to understand. Follow this link for a Video on learning objectives and complete information on this Tutorial…
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