Inclusive Development: Meaning and Features

Inclusive development refers to a development approach that aims to ensure that the benefits of economic growth and progress are shared by all members of society, regardless of their background, characteristics, or circumstances. The goal is to create opportunities and reduce disparities, promoting the well-being and participation of all individuals, especially those who are traditionally marginalized or excluded.

Inclusive development is a holistic and people-centered approach. Hence, it prioritizes the well-being and involvement of all individuals and communities in the development process. It recognizes diversity as a strength and further seeks to create a more just and equitable society by addressing systemic barriers and promoting opportunities for all.

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History and Evolution of the term Inclusive Development

The term “inclusive development” has evolved over time, therefore, reflecting changing perspectives on economic and social progress. The concept has its roots in discussions surrounding development theory and policy. While there isn’t a specific moment of origin, the term gained prominence due to the critiques of earlier development paradigms.

  1. Early Development Discourse (1950s-1960s): The post-World War II period witnessed efforts to promote economic development in newly independent countries. As a result, the focus was primarily on economic growth and industrialization.
  2. Critiques of Growth-Centric Models (1970s-1980s): During the 1970s and 1980s, critiques of purely economic, growth-centric models emerged. Thus, scholars and practitioners began questioning the effectiveness of top-down, one-size-fits-all development strategies. Furthermore, Dependency theory and world-systems theory highlighted the unequal power relations between developed and developing countries.
  3. Human Development Paradigm (1990s): The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) also played a significant role in shifting the focus from purely economic indicators to a broader consideration of human well-being. The Human Development Index (HDI), introduced in 1990, reflected this shift by incorporating indicators such as education and life expectancy alongside income.
  4. Inclusive Growth (2000s): In the early 2000s, the term “inclusive growth” also gained traction. It emphasized that the benefits of economic growth should be distributed more equitably among different segments of society. The idea was to ensure that the gains of economic development reached not only the affluent but also marginalized and vulnerable groups.
  5. Inclusive Development (2010s-Present): Therefore, the term “inclusive development” became more widely used in the 2010s, signalling a more comprehensive approach to development. Inclusive development incorporates social, economic, and environmental dimensions, emphasizing participation, empowerment, accessibility, and sustainability.

Features of Inclusive Development

The principles of inclusive development are fundamental concepts that guide the approach to fostering economic and social progress in a way that involves and benefits all members of society. Here are the key principles of inclusive development explained in detail:

Features of Inclusive Development


Equity in inclusive development refers to the fair distribution of resources, opportunities, and benefits among all individuals and communities. Therefore, it involves addressing existing disparities and historical inequalities. As a result, it ensures that everyone has an equal chance to participate in and benefit from development initiatives.


Participation means actively involving all stakeholders, also including marginalized groups, in decision-making processes related to policies, programs, and projects. This principle aims to further ensure that diverse perspectives are considered, and people affected by development decisions have a voice in shaping their future.


Accessibility in inclusive development focuses on removing barriers to access essential services, infrastructure, education, healthcare, and economic opportunities. It seeks to create an environment where everyone, regardless of their background or circumstances, can access and utilize the resources and opportunities available to them.


Empowerment involves providing individuals and communities with the tools, skills, and resources needed to further improve their own lives. Hence, this principle aims to enhance the capabilities of marginalized groups through education, skills training, and support for entrepreneurship. It helps in enabling them to participate more actively in economic and social activities.


Sustainability in inclusive development refers to the responsible use of resources. Hence, it means the consideration of long-term impacts on the environment, society, and the economy. It involves balancing present needs with the needs of future generations, promoting environmentally friendly practices, and further ensuring that development initiatives contribute to long-term well-being.

Social Cohesion

Social cohesion involves fostering a sense of community, trust, and cooperation among diverse groups within society. This principle recognizes the importance of building strong social bonds to create a harmonious and integrated society where individuals respect and support each other, contributing to overall stability and resilience.

    strategies to promote inclusive development

    Education and Skill Development

    Investing in education and skill development programs ensures that individuals, especially those from marginalized communities, have the tools and knowledge to participate in the workforce and contribute to economic development.

    Social Protection Programs

    Implementing social safety nets, such as cash transfer programs, healthcare, and pension schemes, can provide a safety net for vulnerable populations, reducing poverty and enhancing social inclusivity.

    Infrastructure Development

    Building and improving infrastructure, including transportation, healthcare facilities, and utilities, promotes accessibility and also connects marginalized areas to economic opportunities, essential services, and markets.

    Promoting Financial Inclusion

    This means ensuring access to financial services, such as banking and credit. It empowers individuals and small businesses, therefore, fostering economic participation and reducing inequality.

    Job Creation and Economic Diversification

    Policies that stimulate economic growth and diversification create more job opportunities. This is especially true in sectors that can absorb workers from diverse backgrounds.

    Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment

    Empowering women through equal access to education, employment, and decision-making is also crucial for inclusive development. Gender equality contributes to more resilient and diverse economies.

    Community Engagement and Participation

    Including local communities in the decision-making process ensures that development initiatives align with their needs. As a result, this enhances the sustainability and relevance of projects.

    Land and Property Rights

    Securing land and property rights for marginalized communities protects them from displacement. Moreover, it provides a foundation for economic stability and development.

    Access to Healthcare

    Improving healthcare infrastructure and ensuring affordable and accessible healthcare services contribute to a healthier and more productive population.

    Environmental Sustainability

    Integrating environmental considerations into development planning also promotes sustainability and ensures that natural resources are preserved for future generations.

    Legal and Institutional Reforms

    Implementing legal and institutional reforms that address discrimination, corruption, and inadequate governance structures is essential. This is because it contributes to a more equitable and just society.

    Technology and Innovation

    Leveraging technology and innovation can further bridge gaps in access to information, education, and services, providing new opportunities for inclusive development.

    Monitoring and Evaluation

    Establishing robust monitoring and evaluation mechanisms helps assess the impact of development interventions. Further, this allows adjustment of strategies to better align with inclusive goals.

    International Cooperation

    Engaging in international partnerships and collaborations can facilitate knowledge transfer, resource mobilization, and the exchange of best practices for inclusive development.

      sustainable and Inclusive development vs economic imperialism

      Sustainable and Inclusive Development

      Inclusive Development and Sustainable development share common goals. These include promoting well-being, reducing inequalities, and ensuring the long-term viability of economic, social, and environmental systems. With its focus on equity and participation, inclusive development is often seen as a key component of sustainable development. An inclusive development approach contributes to the sustainability of development outcomes. This happens by ensuring that the benefits of growth are widely shared, minimizing social tensions, and enhancing overall societal resilience.

      At times, there may be trade-offs between short-term economic gains and long-term sustainability. Striking a balance between inclusive policies and sustainability requires careful consideration of social, economic, and environmental dimensions.

      Inclusive Development vs Economic Imperialism

      Economic imperialism, characterized by the dominance of powerful economies over weaker ones, can pose challenges to inclusive development. Unequal power relations/exploitative economic practices hinder the ability of marginalized communities to participate in and benefit from the development process.

      An inclusive development approach can act as a countermeasure to economic imperialism. This is true because it prioritizes the needs and interests of local communities. Policies that empower marginalized groups and ensure fair distribution of resources contribute to a more equitable development landscape. Economic imperialism can be associated with globalization trends. Inclusive development aims to manage the impacts of globalization by promoting inclusive economic structures and safeguarding the interests of vulnerable populations.

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